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Gallery - Weapons and Armor

Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears.

- Joel 3:10

The Hammer of Jorian

Many a century ago, in the gravel plains of Oonegarr, Jorian, a master of metallurgy, was chosen above his artisan countrymen to forge a war-hammer for the King Madaeus of Casaphya.

 Before he finished the hammer, he decided to take it and make a fortune for himself with it.

 His greed strangled him and his sins mummified his soul. Finally, during imprisonment, he finished the hammer for the son of the late King Madaeus.

 The Hammer was delivered the son amidst the siege, and it was recorded that this hammer turned the tide of the battle.

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If you need a weapon or decorations for your costume or home decor, just Contact Me

Hammer Hold.JPG

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